
Grossular or grossularite is the most varicolored of the garnet group. It is a calcium-aluminium mineral species of the Garnet. The name grossular is derived from the botanical name for the gooseberry "grossularia".

Pure Grossular is colorless; the wide range of colors in this Garnet is caused by various impurities. It is an individual member mineral of the Garnet group.

The more common variety of grossular is called hessonite, this name comes from the Greek meaning "inferior" and that is because of its inferior hardness to zircon.

The most desirable after variety of garnet gemstones is the fine green Grossular garnet and the main source for it is Kenya and Tanzania. It's called also tsavorite.

Grossular is found in contact metamorphosed limestones with vesuvianite, diopside, wollastonite and wernerite.

Viluite is a variety name of grossular, it is usually olive green and sometimes brownish or reddish, and that is by impurities in the crystal. Viluite is found associated with and is similar in appearance to vesuvianite.

The hardness of Grossular according to the Mohs scale is: 7-7.5.